Dynamics 365 Business Central: Container Sandbox Environment
Updated: Aug 6, 2021
This post originally appeared here

In Dynamics 365 Business Central there's an "hidden" interesting feature:

By running the Sandbox Environment (Container) page you can set up a container-based sandbox that can be Azure hosted or locally hosted.
When you run this page, you can choose Host in Azure or Host Locally options. If you choose Host in Azure, you've to connect to your Azure subscription, fill the required data and Docker is automatically configured for you.
If you choose Host Locally, you need to configure the Docker environment in your system before setting up the sandbox. Then you need to save, modify with the correct parameters and launch the CreateBCSandbox.ps1 Powershell file.
After that, you can develop with Visual Studio Code and AL connected to your container.
D365BC will have also an online sandbox but having a container-based one is an interesting plus, especially for development tasks.