How to check what version of Business Central you are on
Updated: Jan 17
Updated on 8/24/21
Typing the words system information into the global search will no longer return a page or task to view your Business Central version. Instead, to view the version of Business Central you are currently running you have to select the question mark in the upper right hand corner, select Help & Support, and then under the Troubleshooting section you'll see your current version.
With April 2019 being major release month for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central we've received a lot questions regarding how to know which version of Business Central you are on. Here's how to check:
Step 1: Log into your business central environment and select the global search icon in the upper right hand corner and type in System Information.
Step 2: Select System Information
Step 3: You should see your current version number and when it was created.