A Shot of Business Central and A Beer | Top 5s | Ep 54
A Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central podcast | Episode 54 A Shot of Business Central and A Beer
Welcome to Episode 54 of A Shot of Business Central and A Beer podcast! We're back with a power-packed episode, bringing you the freshest updates from the world of Business Central. Join us as we dive into the latest Business Central information, Ken's top 5 significant enhancements in the 2023 Wave 2 release, and Michael’s top 5 productivity features for new Business Central users. And, of course, we'll be talking about the latest advancements in AI, exploring how it's shaping the future of Business Central and life in general. So, grab your favorite brew, settle in, and let's get rolling.
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A Shot of Business Central and A Beer Podcast Show Notes
Beer we're drinking
Style: Jamaican Lager
Alcohol Content: 4.7% A.B.V.
Tasting Notes: Full bodied, crisp, smooth post-palate sensation.
Known For: Iconic Hooray Commercials and slogan: Drink Responsibly.
Beer Advocate:
Score of 69 which is poor.
Average rating is 2.98
Funny Reviews:
Rated by JustinUbes from Pennsylvania: Tastes like a skunks ass
Latest Business Central News
Added support for latest mobile Operation Systems, updated internal components, and fixed minor issues.
Tell Me, Data Search, Barcode scanner, and Worksheet pages have all been added.
Microsoft now supports only 3 active Business Central versions of on-premise
Version 21
Version 22
Version 23
Each version: The first 6 months of updates will include new features, bug fixes, and regulatory fixes. The next 12 months after of updates will include bug fixes and regulatory fixes only.
Also, the beloved version 14 ended with mainstream support on October 10th this year.
More Details: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/dev-itpro/terms/lifecycle-policy-on-premises
Top 5s
1. Locate pages and information with the Tell Me feature.
Tell Me in Business Central is an advanced search feature that helps you to do things quickly by making it easy for you to find exactly what you need.
A lot of people transitioning to Business Central from NAV might be reluctant to use the Tell Me feature at first but trust me, it’s well worth it.
2. Personalize your software experience
Personalize your Business Central workspace to see the information you need when you need it. Remove and add fields, hide columns, move columns, hide entire sections, move sections, and more. Most pages can be personalized including the Role Center (Home) page.
3. Manage your notifications.
Receive notifications about certain events or changes in certain statuses. For example, you may receive an overdue balance notification upon invoicing a customer or you may receive a notification letting you know that your inventory is too low when selling a product.

4. Keyboard Shortcuts
Business Central offers many features to help you enter data more quickly and accurately. These include having editable fields, an ability to check data in documents and journals as you work, quick entry data entry, clearly marked mandatory fields, and keyboard shortcuts.
Out of all of these, I think Keyboard shortcuts might be the most underutilized tool.

5. Optimize your report and document layouts view.
Business Central users know the importance of having accurate reports but often times they overlook the importance of having their data arranged correctly. Business Central allows you to control: which data fields to see and in which order you can see them, font type, size, color, images, which layout is used on a report, whether or not you want to create a new layout, whether or not you want to modify an existing layout, and much more.
Also, you have the option of using report layouts to add content to email messages.
AI Snack Time
Microsoft AI News
According to Satya Nadella in his annul letter to shareholders:
First, we will maintain our lead as the top commercial cloud while innovating in consumer categories, from gaming to professional social networks. Second, because we know that maximum enterprise value gets created during platform shifts like this one, we will invest to accelerate our lead in AI by infusing this technology across every layer of the tech stack. And, finally, we will continue to drive operating leverage, aligning our cost structure with our revenue growth.
There are two breakthroughs coming together to define this new era of AI. The first is the most universal interface: natural language. The long arc of computing has, in many ways, been shaped by the pursuit of increasingly intuitive human-computer interfaces—keyboards, mice, touch screens. We believe we have now arrived at the next big step forward—natural language—and will quickly go beyond, to see, hear, interpret, and make sense of our intent and the world around us.
The second is the emergence of a powerful new reasoning engine. For years, we’ve digitized daily life, places, and things and organized them into databases. But in a world rich with data, what has been most scarce is our ability to reason over it. This generation of AI helps us interact with data in powerful new ways—from completing or summarizing text, to detecting anomalies and recognizing images—to help us identify patterns and surface insights faster than ever.
We are building Copilot into all our most used products and experiences and allowing people to summon its power as a standalone app as well. Just like you boot up an OS to access applications or use a browser to visit websites today, our belief is that you will invoke a Copilot to do all those activities and more: to shop, to code, to analyze, to learn, to create.
Every customer solution area and every layer of our tech stack will be reimagined for the AI era. And that’s exactly what we’ve already begun to do: to help people learn more about AI, we launched the first online Professional Certificate on Generative AI in partnership with LinkedIn Learning, created AI tools for educators, and held our first AI Community Learning event in the US. These events will be replicated around the world and localized in 10 languages over the next year. We also partnered to launch a Generative AI Skills Grant Challenge to explore how nonprofit, social enterprise, and research or academic institutions can empower the workforce to use this new generation of AI.
This year, we released our Governing AI Blueprint, which outlines concrete legal and policy recommendations for AI guardrails. We are signatories to the eight voluntary commitments developed with the US White House, and proud of the six additional commitments we’ve made to further strengthen and operationalize the principles of safety, security, and trust.
Governing AI Blueprint – 5 Points
First, implement and build upon new government-led AI safety frameworks.
Second, require effective safety brakes for AI systems that control critical infrastructure.
Third, develop a broad legal and regulatory framework based on the technology architecture for AI.
Fourth, promote transparency and ensure academic and nonprofit access to AI.
Fifth, pursue new public-private partnerships to use AI as an effective tool to address the inevitable societal challenges that come with new technology.
AI World News
Several AI godfathers warn that the technology could easily go rogue, since "no one currently knows how to reliably align AI behavior with complex values."
What's being billed as the world's first AI safety summit will be held Nov. 1 and 2 at Bletchley Park, the U.K.'s infamous World War II codebreaking center.
Well, you’ve reached the end of another episode of A Shot of Business Central and A Beer podcast. Connect with us at www.solsyst.com and on all major social media channels. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you always know when the latest episode is available.
See you next month!